6. Serve the Lord

Romans 12:11
not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord;

1. not lagging behind in diligence
2. fervent in spirit
3. serve the Lord

Not lagging behind in diligence
“Not lagging behind” = “Do not be slothful” (ESV), “not procrastinating” (NEV).
This word is translated as “lazy” in Matthew 
25:26. This is in reference to the one who had only received one talent and hid it in the ground.

Be diligent; especially those who lead (verse 8, 1 Thess. 5:12).
2 Peter 1:3-10

Be fervent in spirit
Fervent in spirit
“humble in spirit” = humble
“patient in spirit” = patient
“proud in spirit” = proud

Fervent means to be eager, zealous, enthusiastic, passionate.
Online Bible Greek Lexicon says this word can be used to boil water. Be hot.
Don’t be lukewarm. Be fervent!

Serving the Lord
“Serving” is the GK word douleuo
To be a slave, to serve, provide service. To be obedient and submit to your master
Ephesians 6:5-8

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