good news

Kingdom of God 2: Gospel of the Kingdom

Kingdom of God 2: Gospel of the Kingdom

We often think of the gospel (evangelion) or “good news” as a spiritual message about Jesus’ death and resurrection, but for Jesus’ original audience, the gospel was political; it was about allegiance to a political ruler. In fact, Roman citizens were familiar with the political nature of the gospel long before Jesus’ ministry began. 
Evangelism and How Not to Pray

Evangelism and How Not to Pray

The rush and thrill of evangelism is a pleasure which far too few Christians avail themselves. Nonetheless, Jesus was emphatic: his followers were to go and preach the Good News as a witness in all the inhabited earth. And despite the best of intentions, who can say ...
What If I’m Wrong?

What If I’m Wrong?

Most of us are probably too scared to ask this question, especially about the big questions of life. We might be able to admit we are wrong about picking a car mechanic, forgetting to bring an umbrella, or choosing something off the menu at a restaurant. But how many of us ...