New Covenant Theology

Like looking at the picture of a jigsaw puzzle before putting it together, this class will present a comprehensive biblical framework for understanding God’s plan of redemption from creation to final kingdom. By demonstrating the progression and interrelationship between God’s covenants in Scripture, you will see how God’s plan is ultimately fulfilled in the New Covenant. Understanding how God has worked to restore creation through covenant relationships will provide perspective and clarity as you read his story.

This class divides into three main parts: (1) biblical frameworks, (2) biblical covenants, and (3) new covenant theology. In the first part we will consider dispensationalism, covenant theology, and progressive covenantalism. In the second part we will work through the covenants God made with Adam/Noah, Abraham, Moses/Israel, and David to understand how God moved forward his plan of redemption through covenants. In the final and most substantial part we will explain what the new covenant is, how it relates to previous covenants (especially the Mosaic covenant), how Christ exemplified and inaugurated the new covenant, and how the new covenant affects our ultimate kingdom hope.

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