Trusting God

You Could Never Understand

You Could Never Understand

Ten pm. Saturday night. Pregnant, I sat on the bathroom floor in tears. “It’s just so hard to cook dinner every single night!” I sobbed. My husband listened quietly. A patient man, he clearly empathized. Then he spoke. I could make all the meals at the beginning of the ...
Steadfast Love, Lovingkindness, Unchanging Love

Steadfast Love, Lovingkindness, Unchanging Love

The Hebrew word chesed in some Bibles is translated “lovingkindness” and in other versions “steadfast love”. In Micah 7:18 and 20, chesed was translated “unchanging love”. Lovingkindness, steadfast love, and unchanging love combined provide a good definition of God’s love. ...
Because He Lives

Because He Lives

It could seem plausible that anthropologists 50 years from now might look back at the odd belief that having a grand celebration one night might bring a new life and happiness to individuals that it was unattainable to the previous year. Their conclusion would be that: this magical thinking was predominant across social, ethnic, gender, and religious traditions, causing much grief and pain as those grandiose plans most always failed; and that somehow by making special goals, they could radically change their life.
Encouragement for You

Encouragement for You

In quiet moments of prayer and meditation, do you ever contemplate if Yahweh has a work for you to do? That task can be for that morning or over a long period of time. We may be inspired toward one thought, and it may not work out as we plan. For us to be able to and be ...
“All Things Come from You,”

“All Things Come from You,”

Mistaking the Miraculous for the Mundane This summer, in a shocking whirlwind of events, I was diagnosed with cancer. A massive tumor had invaded my abdomen, filling my insides with its insidious, disturbing growth as it destroyed one of my ovaries. Anyone would plead ...
Abraham’s Audacious Faith

Abraham’s Audacious Faith

Freeze the scene.  The knife gleams in the blinding sun.  Lifted high above his head, his hand firmly grips the handle, knuckles bulging.  His eyes, open, are intensely focused on the object of his aim.  Isaac bound, looks up in fear, knowing his father has made up his ...
“I Will Not Forsake You”

“I Will Not Forsake You”

Have you ever had the thought that you are all alone and there is NO ONE to help you and felt the sickening dread that comes with this realization?  It usually happens when we see no way out, no one to come to our aid, no one seems to care, and worse – you think God is not ...