
Confidence in the Storms of Life

Confidence in the Storms of Life

Storms are not optional. Both saint and sinner suffer. We live in a fallen world with a spiritual adversary. As Christians, we  contend daily with our old nature. We suffer at times for doing wrong and at times for doing right. We are vulnerable to sickness, disease, and ...
James 1 Endurance in Testing

James 1 Endurance in Testing

Have you ever been a refugee? The Christian church started as a large group of Jews in Jerusalem. Life in the ancient world was tough: early on, opponents of Christianity chased almost the entire church from the city, slaughtering many who didn’t escape or leave.
Facing Anxiety

Facing Anxiety

Anxiety is on the rise in America. Anxiety disorders afflict an astounding 40 million adults in the United States today according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Keeping in mind that these include only those with official diagnoses. The actual number ...