
Follow After Wisdom

Follow After Wisdom

To be known as a person of good character is something to be proud of. As Christians, we endeavor to live a life that exemplifies the nature of God through His Son, Jesus. It takes a lot of work and commitment to live the way we are taught by the Scriptures. The Bible ...
No One Will Control Me

No One Will Control Me

Are you confident, assertive, and capable? Are you generally uncomfortable with working on a team? Are your heroes rugged individualists who took life by the horns and bent the world to their will? Are you determined, decisive, and direct? If so, then you may just be a ...
I Can’t Wait to See What’s Next

I Can’t Wait to See What’s Next

Are you an upbeat person who is always on the lookout for your next exciting adventure? Do you have an unlimited supply of optimism welling up within you? Would you rather explore the island than sit on the beach? If you answered, “Yes,” to these questions, you just may be ...
Evangelism and How Not to Pray

Evangelism and How Not to Pray

The rush and thrill of evangelism is a pleasure which far too few Christians avail themselves. Nonetheless, Jesus was emphatic: his followers were to go and preach the Good News as a witness in all the inhabited earth. And despite the best of intentions, who can say ...
We Need Both: Supernatural Wisdom & Experiences

We Need Both: Supernatural Wisdom & Experiences

The first century church, as recorded in the book of Acts, follows the incredible events of the Gospels. During the Gospels, Jesus was preaching the good news of the Kingdom of God and healing thousands of people by great miracles. There were minimally 5,000 at one time ...