Jesus' Sacrifice


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Jesus' Sacrifice

by | Mar 24, 2013

LHIM Everything
LHIM Everything
Jesus' Sacrifice

In order rightly to comprehend Jesus’ suffering and death, a careful comparison of all four Gospels is necessary. The most common understanding and communication on this subject has been very slipshod with focus upon only one of the Gospels and, in some cases, with information completely fabricated. For centuries, the Roman Catholic Church has been the standard-bearer in this regard.

The word “Easter” comes from the goddess of the Anglo-Saxons named Eostre. She is the goddess of the dawn and was worshipped in the spring by pagans in Northern Europe and the British Isles.

Traditional teaching is that the last supper was the Passover meal. The Scriptures teach that the Passover was the day Jesus died and that he was the Passover lamb.

Most celebrate Jesus’ death on “Good Friday” and his resurrection on “Easter” Sunday morning. Matthew 12:40 clearly states Jesus was in the heart of the earth three days and three nights.

Tradition teaches he was captive and tortured for one night, but the Scriptures reveal he was in captivity for two nights.

Wrong teaching is that Peter denied Jesus three times; yet, biblical accuracy reveals he did so six times.

Roman Catholicism teaches Jesus carried his cross, but according to Matthew 27:32, a man of Cyrene, Simon by name, carried his cross. Catholic churches have the Stations of the Cross on their walls that illustrate Jesus carrying the cross − all of which is made up.

Thousands of paintings illustrate two others were crucified with Jesus, but the Scriptures reveal that four others were with him.

Common inaccurate teaching is that Jesus told one of the criminals who was hung with him that he would be with him that day in heaven. The Bible teaches that the criminal and Jesus both died and went to the grave that day. The promise was regarding the future in paradise here on earth

Traditional theology is that God forsook Jesus on the cross because he became sin, which is why Jesus uttered, “My God, why have You forsaken me?” According to Scriptures, Jesus did not become sin; rather, he was the innocent sin offering. The words Jesus spoke were a quotation from Psalm 22.

Wrong teaching is that Jesus visited hell between his death and resurrection as the Apostles’ Creed states, “He descended into hell.” The Bible teaches that after the resurrection he witnessed to the spirits locked in chains from the time of Noah. 1Peter 3:19 & 20

Matthew 26:36-46; Luke 22:39-46; Mark 14:32-42 – Jesus and his Father have two independent wills. Struggling to do God’s will, he prayed for help.

Matthew 26:47-50; Luke 22:47 & 48; Mark 14:43-46 – Judas’ kiss of betrayal

Luke 22:49-53; Matthew 26:51-56; Mark 14:47-50; John 18:4-12 – Jesus was not a helpless victim needing any human assistance. John 18:12-27

Peter’s denials: Mark 14:27-31
1) John 18:15-18
2) Matthew 26:69 & 70; Luke 22:55-57; Mark 14:66-68
3) Luke 22:58; Mark 14:68 First cock crowing
4) Matthew 26:71 & 72; Mark 14:69 &70
5) Matthew 26:73 & 74; Mark 14:70 & 71; John 18:25
6) Luke 22:59 & 60; John 18:26 & 27

John 18:28-19:30

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