Love Through It!


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Love Through It!

by | Oct 25, 2009

LHIM Everything
LHIM Everything
Love Through It!
Isaiah 40:1-11 The Israelite exiles under the Babylonian superpower had sunk into massive discouragement. The prophet's words provided comfort, encouragement, and promise of deliverance.

Isaiah 40:4
Anything that could be construed as a barrier to the return of the exiles will be removed.

Isaiah 40:5
The promise is sure because the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.

Isaiah 40:8
Everything else may change, including man, but the Word of God stands forever.

When we read about the promises of Israel returning to Jerusalem, it is hard to think that anyone thought that the promises had been exhausted in the small-scale return to the Promised Land under the leadership of men such as Zerubbabel, Ezra, and Nehemiah.

1 Peter 1:1 and 2
Peter's readers are also in exile and have sunk into massive discouragement because of the oppression of the Roman Empire.

1 Peter 1:2-6
He speaks of the great Hope just as Isaiah did in his day.

1 Peter 1:13
Three important commands are: 1) prepare your minds for action, 2) keep sober, 3) trust your Hope completely

1 Peter 1:25
The word preached to them was the identical word that Isaiah preached in his day, only with the additional information of Jesus the Christ and all that goes with the veiled information.

1 Peter 2:13-17

1 Peter 3:8-16
Why should I love through it? God said to, and in the end, you get God.

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