Communicating With God

The book of Psalms is a rich source of spiritual expression providing insight into the thinking, prayers, emotions, and faith behind the actions of a believer. The Psalms, 150 in all, cover a wide range of themes and often express the human experience of praise, joy, sorrow, lament, gratitude, repentance, and faith. The class will not cover all the psalms, rather some representative ones that address these subjects:

  1. God’s Steadfast Love, His lovingkindness, is repeated 127 times in the psalms. Understanding and accepting His unconditional love for us is the foundation of our relationship with Him and with others.
  2. Praise and Thanksgiving are an essential part of giving back to God the blessings He deserves and desires. Your prayers will be strengthened.
  3. Faith and Trust in God are most certain to increase as we review the many psalms that illustrate God’s ability to fight for and defend His people.
  4. Lament and Complaint are graphically illustrated so can learn how to communicate with God through our struggles, pains, sorrows, and losses.
  5. Forgiveness requested and received is prominent in the psalms providing freedom to those who believe.
  6. Messianic Psalms focus on prophecy that point to the first and second coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
  7. Magnification and Glorification of Yahweh and His glorious Word.

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