LHIM Weekly Bible Teaching

Give to God What Belongs to God

Give to God What Belongs to God

We all face the pressure that comes from the expectations that others place upon us in our lives. But perhaps one of the greatest negative pressures comes from the world wanting us to conform to its ideals and expectations. There is a tug-o-war going on, and we need to overcome it like Jesus did.
Jesus Sympathizes With You

Jesus Sympathizes With You

Hebrews 2:14 Jesus was a human being with flesh and blood just like we are. 16 Jesus gives help to the descendants of Abraham who are believers.
Strong in the Spirit

Strong in the Spirit

Ephesians 6:10   Our strength is in the Lord Jesus Christ, not ourselves. 11   Every part of the armor is vital; if something is lacking, we become vulnerable.
The Armor of God

The Armor of God

Ephesians 6:10   Our strength is in the Lord Jesus Christ, not ourselves. 11   Every part of the armor is vital; if something is lacking, we become vulnerable.
Serving According to Your Strengths

Serving According to Your Strengths

Serving According to Your Strengths
The Joy of the Lord Is Your Strength

The Joy of the Lord Is Your Strength

Nehemiah 8:1   The people of Israel had been living in exile in Babylon for 70 years. They had just returned to the land of Israel and rebuilt Jerusalem. Now Ezra is teaching the people how to live according to God’s commandments.
God’s Love Strengthens Us

God’s Love Strengthens Us

Psalm 21: 6-7 Through Yahweh’s lovingkindness, David found strength. The Hebrew word chesed is translated “lovingkindness” in the NASB and in the ESV “steadfast love”. In Micah 7 in the NASB, chesed was translated “unchanging love”. Lovingkindness, steadfast love, and unchanging love combined provide a good definition of God’s love.
Where Does Your Strength Come From?

Where Does Your Strength Come From?

Jeremiah 32:16-25   Jeremiah began his prayer by speaking of God’s awesome power in creation and in bringing Israel out from Egypt. With Jerusalem facing an invading Babylonian army, Jeremiah rightly understands this as another act of God’s power. Even so, he believes that afterwards the people will return, and God will bring them back to the land.
First Things First

First Things First

Mark 12:28-31 Deuteronomy 6:4-5 NET note: The kidneys and heart were viewed as the seat of one’s volition, conscience, and moral character.
Encouragement in a New Year

Encouragement in a New Year

1 Kings 19:1-18   Elijah was discouraged because his greatest public success did not appear to change anything. God worked with him by sending an angel and then commissioning him with purpose.
God of the Weak & Lowly

God of the Weak & Lowly

Luke 2:1-7   The birth of Jesus fulfilled prophecy (Deuteronomy 18:15; Isaiah 9:6-7; 11:1-5; 42:1-4). Bethlehem was a small village. Nazareth in Galilee was considered an insignificant place (John 1:46; 7:41, 52), but it fulfilled prophecy (Micah 5:2).
Nativity of the Nazarene in Tumultuous Times

Nativity of the Nazarene in Tumultuous Times

Matthew 1:18-19   The birth of Christ begins with a scandal. Mary is found pregnant though she’s betrothed. Joseph decides to divorce her quietly. The law was clear about this situation (Deut 22:13-14, 20-21; 22:23-24). Matthew 1:20-21   In Hebrew, "Jesus" sounds like the word “salvation.” Jesus will save his people from their sins. Just like the Joseph in the book of Genesis, this Joseph is a dreamer.