Congo Connection

Glad Tidings

Congo Connection

by | Feb 25, 2016 | 0 comments

This past summer has been very eventful in the 2 Congo countries, Here are a few highlights of what our brothers and sisters in Central Africa have been up to:


Annual National Fellowship Meetings

In August, International Ministry of Living Hope of the DRC fellowships held their annual meeting in Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The theme was “Walk in the Spirit”. Many saints were in attendance, with teachings, testimonies, music and performances by the children.


Shortly afterward, in September the Living Hope International Ministries of the Congo, held their annual event in Brazzaville, capital of the Republic of the Congo (ROC). Although the weather in the Congo can sometimes cause disruptions in the power, this year there were no such issues, and both events went very smoothly. Leaders from both countries were allowed to cross the border to attend each other’s event, also a blessing, since travel between these 2 countries can be problematic.

Attached are some photos from these events.


Saints Head Out to Spread the Gospel Message

In the ROC, a group of saints just returned from a victorious year in the program “Enter the Ark”, whereby they commit to being sent to a specific location for one year to preach Christ, minister deliverance and spread the gospel. Their mission also resulted in the planting of new churches in the areas where they were sent. One of the returning participants, Rémy Yoka, shares his testimony ( see side article).


At the same time that these believers were returning, about 15 more made the commitment to dedicate a year of their lives in this program. They received training, and were commissioned with solemn prayers, and then headed out with much joy. Please pray for them, if they come to your thinking, as they will face many difficult challenges in the year ahead. The name “Enter the Ark” is a reference to the ark of Noah, whereby he and his family were spared from the destruction of the flood – so too, those who call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved fro the wrath to come.


Many Children Being Sponsored for Schooling


In the DRC, where public education is sporadic or non-existent, many children in the fellowships there are being sponsored by saints in the US and other countries, so that they can attend the only reliable schooling available, which is at small private schools. Such schooling is beyond the financial ability of many of the families in the fellowships, because of the widespread unemployment and poverty in that country.


This year, because of the love and generosity of believers who have decided to help them, a total of 61 children are now able to go to school. The school year has just started. Please pray for these kids and their families.


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